Why Attend

You simply cannot get closer to the market – to your customers, investors, prospects, competitors – than face-to-face. That’s why (and how) attending DUG Appalachia Conference & Expo can benefit you and your organization. It delivers a potent mix of relevant content presented by expert speakers and impactful networking of highly qualified attendees. Here are some compelling reasons why you should join us:

Attend the DUG Appalachia Conference & Expo to:
  • Gain critical insights from producers on how to reduce drilling costs and increase operational efficiencies
  • Network with hundreds of like-minded professionals
  • Discover best practices and key metrics from our all-star roster of influential executives & leaders
  • Discuss new technologies and trends and identify solutions that support your goals
  • Meet with technology providers who will help you apply these solutions
Be part of an exclusive community!

By attending DUG conferences, you join a community of thought leaders, industry experts and both public and private producers who’ve helped pioneer the U.S. shale plays. Curated DUG conference programs and their related Forums and exhibitions enable you to hear research-backed sessions, get expert advice on your specific challenges, and interact with colleagues — all in one place, over two days.

Who should attend?

Producers and operators, financial professionals, service companies, manufacturers, and others with oil and gas business interests can benefit from attending this event. Over 100 companies are expected to showcase their products and technologies at this year’s exhibition. The collective audience will include representatives from:

Company types in attendance:
  • E&P companies
  • Pipeline operators
  • Financial firms (i.e. investors/bankers/analysts)
  • Industry consulting firms
  • Law firms
  • Service & supply companies
  • Government agencies
  • Other professional service firms
Job functions in attendance:
  • Vice presidents
  • C-Suite executives
  • Managing partners & directors
  • Investors
  • Professional association presidents
  • Engineers
  • Geologists & geophysicists