About Hart Energy Events

The industry's Comprehensive Resource for Live Content, Data and Analysis

Hart Energy provide attendees, sponsors and exhibitors with unrivaled content and networking opportunities across the energy industry. Attending Hart Energy events you'll get the inside and exclusive story from industry leaders, analysts, policymakers, trailblazers, and our award winning editorial staff.

Experience our immersive onsite events, live streaming video, distinctive interviews, behind the scenes Q&A, webinars, and more as we bring you ground-breaking stories, in depth analysis, and one of a kind networking no one else in energy delivers.

Join Hart Energy for engaging live events, exclusive information, and the top energy stories happening right now.

Focused Conferences & Exhibitions

Central to Hart Energy’s mission to inform, engage, and connect people at all levels, Hart Energy has integrated its Conference, Interactive Media, and video operations under the brand Hart Energy to deliver fully immersive in-person and online experiences for its audiences and industry partners.

Throughout the most tumultuous period in the modern petroleum industry, Hart Energy has
produced 200+ of the most highly attended and broadly acclaimed industry conferences and
exhibitions. Over 200,000 industry professionals have gathered at our events in the last 16 years.

For our attendees, sponsors and exhibitors, these events provide unprecedented regular access to top executives from the companies leading, financing and forecasting North America’s shale revolution, the globalization of LNG, ESG and Carbon Capture, and other major energy trends.


Industry Leading Speakers

  • Present data, insight, and forecasts covering technology, financing, exploration, drilling, production, and delivery
  • Discuss opportunities, solutions and challenges facing the industry


  • Network with speakers who provide answers and actionable intel
  • Gain access to top executives from the companies leading, financing, and tracking the North American shale revolution and other major industry trends


  • Gain access to senior level management and executives in a relaxed, social environment
  • Every package receives brand recognition through Hart Energy’s multi-channel network before, during, and after each event


Interested in attending or sponsoring our industry leading events