Haynesville Shale Well Designs: Long Laterals and Intense Completions in High-Pressure Reservoirs
Date & Time
Wednesday, March 19, 2025, 4:30 PM - 5:00 PM
Garrett Fowler | CEO - ResFrac
William Fox | General Manager, Drilling - Corva AI
Neil Modeland | Sr. Business Development Technology Manager - Halliburton
William Fox | General Manager, Drilling - Corva AI
Neil Modeland | Sr. Business Development Technology Manager - Halliburton

With well costs reaching as much as $8 million per well, the Haynesville Shale presents unique challenges for drilling and completion designers. The basin’s high-pressure reservoirs help produce high initial production rates, as have long laterals and intense completion designs. In fact, many wells are completed with more than 3,500 lbs/ft of proppant. In this session, leading drilling and completion companies will discuss the latest innovations in well designs in the Haynesville, including where efficiencies can still be attained and methods for optimizing well production.